Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Willow Feather Farm Outing by Teacher Michelle Hackmann

We were all so excited to ride in the bus, we sang many songs about the farm and farm animals (old MacDonald had a farm, the farmer in the dell, farmer brown). When we arrived we saw three big peacocks, this made us even more excited to see all the other animals inside. We went into the farm and were each given a chance to feed to the different animals. We saw the ducks and geese with their ducklings. We saw pigs rolling in mud and goats climbing on top of their houses. We loved feeding the bunnies, guinea pigs, goats, ducks, cow and sheep. We were given a basket and went into the hens coop and collect the eggs. As we walked around the farm we discussed what each animal ate, what their shelter was, what they produce, the sound they make and what babies they have.  A big thank-you to Willow Feather Farm for accommodating us. Their help was greatly appreciated.

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